We believe a birthday is one specific day per year when an individual should be recognized and acknowledged for their importance as a person and as a member of our community regardless of economic status.
To promote this recognition and self-worth, The Thoughts & Gifts Project provides to each qualifying youth, I/DD individual, and senior FREE:
- Birthday gifts up to $40
- Birthday cards for a personal message
- Age and level appropriate books
- A game kit with prizes
- A party decoration kit
- Complete an application at our storefront or call our office
- Select free gifts, cards, books, and more or schedule a delivery
- Celebrate your loved one!
To be eligible, the recipient:
- must live in Polk County
- be a youth 0-18, an I/DD individual, or a senior 65+
- qualify for federal assistance, such as but not limited to SNAP, Medicaid, or free/reduced lunch (proof of need is not required).
For Youth: The primary parent or guardian must complete an application.
For I/DD Individuals and Seniors: An application must be completed by the individual or by referral, such as by a caretaker, neighbor, or relative (must be at least 18 years of age to complete the application).
Apply: Monday-Friday between 1 PM and 5 PM at 427 Main Street E in Monmouth or call 971-289-6358 to schedule a delivery. All deliveries must be scheduled Monday-Friday between 1 PM and 5 PM. We automatically deliver to our seniors who are homebound or in a care facility.
For more information or to apply by phone, contact us at info@thoughtsandgifts.org or call 971-289-6358.